Fat Fishy 2 - A Fatter Future is the phoenix rising from Fat Fishys Ashes
***BIG NEWS I have found/recovered the corrupted project files and I will be resuming work on this project starting this next week. Look for new updates content, bug fixes, new graphics, and polish as I get this thing up to beta and version 1.0! #LetsDoThis its been far too long!First Project Game. Will be releasing more shortly. Stay tuned!(Game Currently moving to open Alpha testing. Game is not finished. Please send me any ideas/thoughts for new content that I should add. I am wanting to help shape this game from where it is at today into the kind of game you guys want to play.)Fat Fishy 2 is a game that was only made possible by the many suggestions and tips from players of the original fat fishy. Thanks to the massive support and suggestions from you we decided to re build the game from the ground up with those ideas in mind. The result is a game in Fat Fishy 2 where you have 5 different skills to train and level up. 8 different currency types to collect and spend3 different log types currently3 different fish types currently3 different fishing poles currentlycritical hit chances effected by leveland much much more!Will respond ASAP to any one with issues, thoughts ideas or any other kind of tips or suggestions. Also will be pushing out fairly consistent updates as well so stay tuned Thanks!Open Alpha Testing Starts now.. please let me know what you think could be improved upon as we continue development!